
Termes fatidicum Linnaeus, 1758 type species by original designation of Lachesilla Westwood, 1840

Nomenclature (31)

  • Lachesilla Westwood, 1840: 47.

    type species by original designation Termes fatidicum Linnaeus, 1758

  • Lachesis [sic] Westwood, 1840 in Hagen, 1861
  • ... Show all ... (27)
  • Lachesilla Westwood, 1840 in García-Aldrete, 2015 Phylogeny or classification; Specimen or distribution
  • Lachesilla Westwood, 1840 in Saenz Manchola, García-Aldrete & González-Obando, 2019 Phylogeny or classification

Nomenclature references (25)

  • Chapman, P.J. (1930) Corrodentia of the United States of America. I. Suborder Isotecnomera. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. Devoted to Entomology in General, 38(4), 319–403.
  • Di Iorio, O. & Turienzo, P. (2009) Insects found in birds' nests from the Neotropical Region (except Argentina) and immigrant species of Neotropical origin in the Nearctic Region. Zootaxa, 2187.
  • ... Show all ... (21)
  • Dorow, W.H.O., Flechtner, G. & Kopelke, J.P. (2004) Naturwaldreservate in Hessen 6/2.2. Schönbuche. Zoologische Untersuchungen 1990-1992, Teil 2. Hessen-Forst (Forsteinrichtung, Information, Versuchswesen), Giessen & Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main. Forschungsberichte Hessen-Forst (FIV), 28/2, 352 pp.
  • Enderlein, G. (1919) Copeognatha. Collections Zoologiques du Baron Edm. De Selys Longchamps. Catalogue systématique et descriptif, 3(2).
  • García-Aldrete, A.N. & Mockford, E.L. (2009) A list of Psocoptera (Insecta: Psocodea) from Brazil. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 80.
  • García-Aldrete, A.N. (2001) The Lachesillidae (Insecta: Psocoptera) of Nicaragua. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Serie Zoologia, 72(2).
  • García-Aldrete, A.N. (2002) Psocoptera (Insecta) from the Sierra Tarahumara, Chihuahua, Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Serie Zoologia, 73(2).
  • García-Aldrete, A.N. (2008) Lachesillidae (Insecta: Psocoptera) from the Tambopata Reserved Zone, Madre de Dios, Peru. Publicaciones Especiales del Instituto de Biologia , Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 21, 92 pp., 138 figs.
  • García-Aldrete, A.N. (2015) Lachesillidae (Psocodea: 'Psocoptera': Psocomorpha) from Rancho Santa Elena, Huasca de Ocampo, Hidalgo, Mexico, with description of a Lachesilla in species group corona. 16(1), 8–16.
  • Golub, N.V. (2003) The reproductive system of the Psocoptera. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 82(1).
  • Hagen, H. (1861) Synopsis of the British Psocidae. Entomologist's Annual, 1861.
  • Johnson, K.P., Yoshizawa, K. & Smith, V.S. (2004) Multiple origins of parasitism in lice. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 271. Available at http://https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.proxy2.library.illinois.edu/pmc/articles/PMC1691793/pdf/15315891.pdf
  • Kolbe, H.J. (1880) Monographie der deutschen Psociden mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fauna Westfalens. Jahresbericht des Westfälischen Provinzial-Vereins für Wissenschaft und Kunst, 8.
  • Li, F. (2002) Psocoptera of China. National Natural Science Foundation of China, xlvi + 1976 pp. (2 vols), 1547 figs, 10 pl. at the end of the 2nd vol.
  • Lienhard, C. & Smithers, C. (2002) Psocoptera (Insecta) World Catalogue and Bibliography. In Psocoptera (Insecta) World Catalogue and Bibliography. Museum of Natural History, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Lienhard, C. (2003) Nomenclatural amendments concerning Chinese Psocoptera (Insecta), with remarks on species richness. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 110(4).
  • Mockford, E.L. (2002) Taxonomy of the species of the Lachesilla rena complex (Psocoptera: Lachesillidae). Entomological News, 113(3).
  • New, T.R. & Lienhard, C. (2007) The Psocoptera of tropical South-east Asia. Fauna Malesiana Handbooks, 6, IX + 290 pp., 518 figs.
  • Reuter, O.M. (1899) Anteckningar om Finska Psocider. Acta Societatis Pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 17(3).
  • Roesler, R. (1944) Die Gattungen der Copeognathen. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 105, 117–166.
  • Saenz Manchola, O.F., García-Aldrete, A.N. & González-Obando, R. (2019) Phylogenetic analysis of Lachesilla Westwood (Psocodea: Psocomorpha: Lachesillidae) and relationships of sister genera of the subfamily Lachesillinae. Zootaxa, 4691(2), 101–124.
  • Spahr, U. (1992) Ergänzungen und Berichtigungen zu R. Keilbachs Bibliographie und Liste der Bernsteinfossilien - Klasse Insecta (ausgenommen: "Apterygota", Hemipteroidea, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Mecopteroidea). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie), 182.
  • Westwood, J.O. (1840) Synopsis of the genera of British insects. In Synopsis of the genera of British insects. London. 158 pp.
  • Yoshizawa, K. (2002) Phylogeny and higher classification of suborder Psocomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: 'Psocoptera'). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 136, 371–400. Available at http://insect3.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/psoco-web/pdf_k.yoshizawa/2002%20Zool%20J%20Linn%20Soc%20Psocomo.pdf
  • Yoshizawa, K. (2005) Morphology of Psocomorpha (Psocodea: 'Psocoptera'). Insecta Matsumurana, New Series, 62, 1–44. Available at http://https://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2115/10524/1/Yoshizawa-62.pdf

Descendants and synonyms


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