
Elipsocus westwoodii McLachlan, 1867 type species by original designation of Elipsocus Hagen, 1866

Nomenclature (12)

  • Elipsocus Hagen, 1866: 203.

    type species by original designation Elipsocus westwoodii McLachlan, 1867

  • Cabarer Navas, 1908: 410.

    type species by original designation Cabarer fasciatus Navas, 1908

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  • Elipsocus Hagen, 1866 in Lienhard, 2008
  • Elipsocus Hagen, 1866 in Burckhardt, Billen, Cuénoud, Mühlethaler, Thieme & Wyniger, 2008

Nomenclature references (11)

  • Badonnel, A. (1944) Contribution à l'étude des Psocoptères de l'Atlantide. Revue française d'Entomologie, 11.
  • Burckhardt, D., Billen, W., Cuénoud, P., Mühlethaler, R., Thieme, T. & Wyniger, D. (2008) Staubläuse, Thripse und Schnabelkerfe. In Monographien der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel. pp. (pp. 275–301).
  • ... Show all ... (7)
  • Casasola Gonzalez, J.A. (2006) Phylogenetic relationships of the genera of Epipsocetae (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha). Zootaxa, 1194.
  • Dorow, W.H.O., Flechtner, G. & Kopelke, J.P. (2004) Naturwaldreservate in Hessen 6/2.2. Schönbuche. Zoologische Untersuchungen 1990-1992, Teil 2. Hessen-Forst (Forsteinrichtung, Information, Versuchswesen), Giessen & Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main. Forschungsberichte Hessen-Forst (FIV), 28/2, 352 pp.
  • Hagen, H. (1866) Psocinorum et Embidinorum Synopsis synonymica. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft Wien, 16.
  • Kanervo, J. & Varkonyi, G. (2007) Occurrence of Psocoptera in boreal old-growth forests. Entomologica Fennica, 18.
  • Lienhard, C. & Smithers, C. (2002) Psocoptera (Insecta) World Catalogue and Bibliography. In Psocoptera (Insecta) World Catalogue and Bibliography. Museum of Natural History, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Lienhard, C. (2008) Order Psocoptera. In Arthropod Fauna of the United Arab Emirates. Vol. 1, pp. (pp. 104–132, 76 figs).
  • Navas, L. (1908) Neuropteros nuevos. Memorias de la real academia de ciencias y artes de Barcelona, (3) 6(25).
  • Yoshizawa, K. (2002) Phylogeny and higher classification of suborder Psocomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: 'Psocoptera'). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 136, 371–400. Available at http://insect3.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/psoco-web/pdf_k.yoshizawa/2002%20Zool%20J%20Linn%20Soc%20Psocomo.pdf
  • Yoshizawa, K. (2005) Morphology of Psocomorpha (Psocodea: 'Psocoptera'). Insecta Matsumurana, New Series, 62, 1–44. Available at http://https://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2115/10524/1/Yoshizawa-62.pdf

Descendants and synonyms


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