
Hemerobius fasciatus Fabricius, 1787 type species by original designation of Loensia Enderlein, 1924

Nomenclature (3)

  • Loensia Enderlein, 1924: 35.

    type species by original designation Hemerobius fasciatus Fabricius, 1787

  • Loensia Enderlein, 1924 in Lienhard & Smithers, 2002
  • Loensia Enderlein, 1924 in New & Lienhard, 2007: 250.

Nomenclature references (3)

  • Enderlein, G. (1924) Copeognathen. Vol. 31.
  • Lienhard, C. & Smithers, C. (2002) Psocoptera (Insecta) World Catalogue and Bibliography. In Psocoptera (Insecta) World Catalogue and Bibliography. Museum of Natural History, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • New, T.R. & Lienhard, C. (2007) The Psocoptera of tropical South-east Asia. Fauna Malesiana Handbooks, 6, IX + 290 pp., 518 figs.

Descendants and synonyms


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