- Animalia
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- Philopteridae
- Saemundssonia Timmermann, 1936
Saemundssonia Timmermann, 1936
Docophorus gonothorax Giebel, 1874 type species by original designation of Saemundssonia Timmermann, 1936
Nomenclature (5)
- Saemundssonia Timmermann, 1936: 97.
type species by original designation Docophorus gonothorax Giebel, 1874
- Saemundssonia Timmermann, 1936 in Kéler, 1963: 12. Phylogeny
- ... Show all ... (1)
- Saemundssonia Timmermann, 1936 in Ramli, Cusack, Curry & Furness, 2000 Anatomy/Physiology
- Saemundssonia Timmermann, 1936 in Price, Palma & Clayton, 2003: 922. Key
Nomenclature references (5)
- Clay, T. & Moreby, C. (1967) Mallophaga (biting lice) and Anoplura (sucking lice). Part II: Keys and locality lists of Mallophaga and Anoplura. 10, 157–196.
- Kéler, S. (1963) Insekten 1. Tiel 13. Ordnung: Läuselinge, Federlinge und Haarlinge Mallóphaga. In Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Leipzig, Germany. . Vol. 4, Issue 7b, pp. 1–31.
- ... Show all ... (1)
- Ramli, R., Cusack, M., Curry, G.B. & Furness, R.W. (2000) Morphological variation of chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from different skua taxa. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 71(1), 91–101.
- Timmermann, G. (1936) Saemundssonia nov. gen., ein neues Mallophagengenus, aufgestellt fur Philopterus gonothorax (Geibel) und verwandte Arten. 114, 97–100.
Descendants and synonyms
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
genus | 1 | 1 | 0 |
subgenus | 4 | 2 | 2 |
superspecies | 3 | 3 | 0 |
species | 216 | 85 | 131 |
subspecies | 53 | 23 | 30 |