
Ricinus canis de Geer, 1778 type species by original designation of Trichodectes Nitzsch, 1818

Nomenclature (4)

  • Trichodectes Nitzsch, 1818: 294.

    type species by original designation Ricinus canis de Geer, 1778

  • Trichodectes Nitzsch, 1818 in Mann, 1920: 252. Behavior; Life History
  • Trichodectes Nitzsch, 1818 in Thompson, 1937: 443.
  • Trichodectes Nitzsch, 1818 in Kéler, 1938: 420.

Nomenclature references (4)

  • Kéler, S. (1938) Baustoffe zu einer Monographie der Mallophagen. I. Teil: Uberfamilie Trichodectoidea. Nova Acta Leopoldina, Halle, 5(32), 395–467.
  • Mann, W.M. (1920) The Occurrence of Mallohaga on a Dragonfly (Odon.). 31, 252.
  • Nitzsch, C.L. (1818) Darstellung der Familien und Gattungen der Thierinsekten (insecta epizoica); als Prodromus einer Naturgeschicte derselben. 1–58.
  • Thompson, G.B. (1937) Further notes on the association of Hypoboscidae and Mallophaga. II. Mallophaga associated with insects other than Hippoboscidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 20, 441–444.

Descendants and synonyms


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