
Jerseyempheria grimaldii Azar, Nel & Petrulevicius, 2010

Nomenclature (2)

  • Jerseyempheria grimaldii Azar, Nel & Petrulevicius, 2010: 763. (fossil)

    Holotype; unsexed adult; AMNH NJ-791; deposited at: American Museum of Natural History (AMNH); United States: Sayreville, White Oaks Pits

  • Jerseyempheria grimaldii Azar, Nel & Petrulevicius, 2010 in Cumming & Le Tirant, 2021: 2.

Nomenclature references (2)

  • Azar, D., Nel, A. & Petrulevicius, J.F. (2010) First Psocodean (Psocodea, Empheriidae) from the Cretaceous Amber of New Jersey. 84(4), 762–767.
  • Cumming, R.T. & Le Tirant, S. (2021) Review of the Cretaceous †Archaeatropidae and †Empheriidae and description of a new genus and species from Burmese amber (Psocoptera). 9(16), 1–11.

Descendants and synonyms


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