
Dorypteryx domestica (Smithers, 1958)

Nomenclature (30)

  • Dolopteryx domestica Smithers, 1958: 114.
  • Dorypteryx domestica (Smithers, 1958) in Lienhard, 1977: 435.
  • ... Show all ... (26)
  • Dorypteryx domestica (Smithers, 1958) in Sikes & Callegari, 2020 Specimen or distribution
  • Dorypteryx domestica (Smithers, 1958) in Noordijk, 2021 Specimen or distribution

Nomenclature references (30)

  • Baz, A. & Zurita, N. (2001) Orden Psocoptera. In Lista de especies silvestres de Canarias (hongos, plantas y animales terrestres). Consejeria de Politica Territorial y Medio Ambiente Gobierno de Canarias, Canary Islands. pp. (pp. 179–180).
  • Baz, A. & Zurita, N. (2004) Orden Psocoptera. In Lista de especies silvestres de Canarias (hongos, plantas y animales terrestres) 2004. Consejeria de Medio Ambiente y Ordenacion Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias, Canarias. pp. (pp. 188–190).
  • ... Show all ... (26)
  • Cerdena, J. (2016) First record of the genus Dorypteryx Aaron, 1883 (Psocoptera: Psyllipsocidae) in South America: Dorypteryx domestica (Smithers, 1958) in Arequipa, Peru. 12(6), Article 2012. Available at http://https://www.biotaxa.org/cl/article/viewFile/12.6.2012/25188
  • Dorow, W.H.O. & Kopelke, J.-P. (2007) Naturwaldreservate in Hessen. Band 7/2.2. Hohestein. Zoologische Untersuchungen 1994-1996, Teil 2. Mitteilungen der Hessischen Landesforstverwaltung, 42.
  • Golub, N.V. & Kucerova, Z. (2008) Karyotype and reproductive organs of male Dorypteryx domestica (Smithers, 1958) (Psocoptera: Trogiomorpha: Psyllipsocidae). Folia biologica (Krakow), 56.
  • Gonseth, Y. (2005) Psocoptera. In CABI Bioscience Switzerland Centre report to the Swiss Agency for Environment, Forests and Landscape. CABI Bioscience Switzerland Centre, Switzerland. pp. (pp. 139–140).
  • Holusa, O. (1999) Faunistics records from Moravia – 10. Sbornik prirodovedneho klubu v Uh. Hradisti, 4.
  • Johnson, K.P., Yoshizawa, K. & Smith, V.S. (2004) Multiple origins of parasitism in lice. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 271. Available at http://https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.proxy2.library.illinois.edu/pmc/articles/PMC1691793/pdf/15315891.pdf
  • Kalinovic, I., Rozman, V. & Liska, A. (2006) Significance and feeding of psocids (Liposcelididae, Psocoptera) with microorganisms. In Proceedings of the 9th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, 15-18 October 2006, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (pp. 1087–1094, 10 figs).
  • Kucerova, Z. & Jokes, M. (2002) External morphology of eggs of the synanthropic psocid Dorypteryx domestica (Psocoptera, Psyllipsocidae). Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, 49(1).
  • Kucerova, Z. (2002) Stored product psocids (Psocoptera): External morphology of eggs. European Journal of Entomology, 99.
  • Kucerova, Z. (2007) Nymph's morphology of Dorypteryx domestica (Psocotera). Integrated Protection of Stored Products IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 30(2).
  • Lienhard, C. & Smithers, C. (2002) Psocoptera (Insecta) World Catalogue and Bibliography. Museum of Natural History, Geneva, Switzerland, xli+745 pp.
  • Lienhard, C. (1977) Die Psocopteren des schweizerischen Nationalparks und seiner Umgebung (Insecta: Psocoptera). Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen im Schweizerischen Nationalpark, 14(75).
  • Lienhard, C. (2003) Verzeichnis der Staubläuse (Psocoptera) Deutschlands. In Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte. Vol. 47, Issue 2, pp. (pp. 54–71).
  • Locatelli, D.P. (1997) Psocoptera. In Fratelli Palombi Editori. pp. (pp. 84–86).
  • New, T.R. (2005) Psocids, Psocoptera (booklice and barklice) (2 edition). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, Vol. 1, Part 7, iv + 146 pp., 334 figs.
  • Nicoli Aldini, R. (2003) Insetti delle derrate e dell’ambiente antropico di recente introduzione in Italia. La difesa antiparassitaria nelle industrie alimentari e la protezione degli alimenti. Atti del 7º simposio, a cura di P. Cravedi.
  • Nicoli Aldini, R. (2004) Insetti delle derrate e dell’ambiente antropico di recente introduzione in Italia. Tecnica Molitoria, 55(10).
  • Noordijk, J. (2021) The psocid Dorypteryx domestica (Psocodea: Psyllipsocidae), a new exotic species for the Netherlands. 81(3), 117–118.
  • Peeters, M. & Van Goethem, J.L. (2003) Psocoptera: book- and barklice or psocids. In Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. pp. (pp. 134–135, 1 fig.).
  • Pricop, E. (2014) An interesting psocid species (Psocoptera: Psyllipsocidae) newly recorded from Romania. 6(1), 71–74.
  • Rueckert, S. (2017) Gregarines (Apicomplexa, Gregarinasina) in psocids (Insecta, Psocoptera) including a new species description and their potential use as pest control agents. 60, 60–67.
  • Schneider, N., Dorow, W.H.O. & Flechtner, G. (2001) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Staubläuse Hessens (Insecta, Psocoptera). Hessische Faunistische Briefe, 20(1).
  • Sikes, D.S. & Callegari, K. (2020) Interior ecosystem in the subarctic: wild, living, arthropod biodiversity in the University of Alaska Museum, Fairbanks, Alaska, United States of America. The Canadian Entomologist, 152(6), 802–814.
  • Smithers, C. (1958) A new genus and species of domestic psocid (Psocoptera) from Southern Rhodesia. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, 21(1).
  • Thaler, K. (2002) Fragmenta Faunistica Tirolensia - XIV (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones; Insecta: Psocoptera, Diptera: Anisopodidae, Limoniidae). Veröffentlichungen des Tiroler Landesmuseums Ferdinandeum, 82.
  • Thunes, K.H. & Anonby, J. (2004) The arthropod community of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) canopies in Norway. Entomologica Fennica, 15(2).
  • Yoshizawa, K. & Johnson, K.P. (2003) Phylogenetic position of Phthiraptera (Insecta: Paraneoptera) and elevated rate of evolution in mitochondrial 12S and 16S rDNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 29(1). Available at http://lab.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/systent/psoco-web/pdf/2003mpe.pdf
  • Yoshizawa, K., Lienhard, C. & Johnson, K.P. (2006) Molecular systematics of the suborder Trogiomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: 'Psocoptera'). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 146(2), 287–299. Available at http://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2115/43134/1/2006zjls-1.pdf

Descendants and synonyms


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