Nomenclature (14)

  • Caecilius africanus Ribaga, 1911: 169.
  • Caecilius p'sicensis [sic] Badonnel, 1931: 233. (not Latin; unavailable) Distribution/Dispersal
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  • Mepleres angolensis Badonnel, 1955 (synonym of Caecilius africanus Ribaga, 1911) in Lienhard & Smithers, 2002
  • Maoripsocus africanus (Ribaga, 1911) in Lienhard & Smithers, 2002

Nomenclature references (7)

  • Badonnel, A. (1931) Contribution à l'étude de la faune du Mozambique. Voyage de M. P. Lesne (1928-1929). 4e note. Copéognathes. Annales des Sciences naturelles, Zoologie, 14(16), 229–260.
  • Badonnel, A. (1955) Psocoptères de l'Angola. Publicacões culturais da Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, 26, 38–40.
  • ... Show all ... (3)
  • Badonnel, A. (1969) Psocoptères de l'Angola et de pays voisins avec révision de types africains d'Enderlein (1902) et de Ribaga (1911). Publicacões culturais da Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, 79.
  • Lienhard, C. & Smithers, C. (2002) Psocoptera (Insecta) World Catalogue and Bibliography. Museum of Natural History, Geneva, Switzerland, xli+745 pp.
  • Mockford, E.L. (1966) "The genus Caecilius (Psocoptera: Caeciliidae). Part II. Revision of the species groups, and the North American species of the fasciatus, confluens and africanus groups.". Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 92.
  • Mockford, E.L. (2000) A classification of the psocopteran family Caeciliusidae (Caeciliidae auct.). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 125(4), 325–417. [1999]
  • Ribaga, C. (1911) Nuovi Copeognati sudafricani. Redia, 7.

Descendants and synonyms


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