
Ectopsocus briggsi McLachlan, 1899

Nomenclature (59)

  • Ectopsocus parvulus Kolbe, 1882
  • Ectopsocus briggsi McLachlan, 1899: 277.
  • ... Show all ... (55)
  • Ectopsocus briggsi McLachlan, 1899 in Lock, 2016 Distribution/Dispersal
  • Ectopsocus briggsi McLachlan, 1899 in Georgiev & Ivanova, 2019: 1. Distribution/Dispersal

Nomenclature references (54)

  • Ahadiyat, A. & Zangeneh, A.M. (2007) First report of Ectopsocus briggsi and Trichopsocus dalii (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha: Ectopsocidae and Trichopsocidae) from Iran. The Florida Entomologist, 90(4).
  • Ahmed, K.S. (1995) Ultrastructure of the external morphology and its possible functions in Ectopsocus briggsi McLachlan (Ectopsocidae, Psocoptera). Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt (A.R.E.), 73.
  • ... Show all ... (50)
  • Ahmed, K.S. (2015) Morphology and ultrastructure of male accessory glands in Lepinotus patrulis Pearman and Ectopsocus briggsi Maclachlan (Order Psocoptera). 7(2), 1–16.
  • Alexander, K.N.A. & Saville, R.B.E. (2009) Seven arboreal barkflies newly-recognized in Ireland and records of other species from six historic demesnes across Northern Ireland (Insecta: Psocoptera). Irish Naturalists' Journal, 29(2), 102–106.
  • Alexander, K.N.A. (2006) The Bark Flies & Book Lice (Psocoptera) of Gloucestershire. The Gloucestershire Naturalist, No. 17, June 2006.
  • Badonnel, A. (1943) Psocoptères. Faune de France, 42, 1–164.
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  • Baz, A. & Zurita, N. (2001) Orden Psocoptera. In Lista de especies silvestres de Canarias (hongos, plantas y animales terrestres). Consejeria de Politica Territorial y Medio Ambiente Gobierno de Canarias, Canary Islands. pp. (pp. 179–180).
  • Baz, A. & Zurita, N. (2004) Orden Psocoptera. In Lista de especies silvestres de Canarias (hongos, plantas y animales terrestres) 2004. Consejeria de Medio Ambiente y Ordenacion Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias, Canarias. pp. (pp. 188–190).
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  • Burckhardt, D., Billen, W., Cuénoud, P., Mühlethaler, R., Thieme, T. & Wyniger, D. (2008) Staubläuse, Thripse und Schnabelkerfe. In Monographien der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel. . . pp. (pp. 275–301).
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  • De Wilde, A. (2009) Stofluizen tussen de enveloppen. Natura, 2009(4).
  • Dorow, W.H.O., Flechtner, G. & Kopelke, J.P. (2004) Naturwaldreservate in Hessen 6/2.2. Schönbuche. Zoologische Untersuchungen 1990-1992, Teil 2. Hessen-Forst (Forsteinrichtung, Information, Versuchswesen), Giessen & Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main. Forschungsberichte Hessen-Forst (FIV), 28/2, 352 pp.
  • Enderlein, G. (1929) Entomologica Canaria II. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 84.
  • Georgiev, D. & Ivanova, V. (2019) First Psocoptera records from Northwest Bulgaria: a case study. 147, 1–2.
  • Glückert, R. (2001) In Die Psocopteren des Exkursionsgebietes von Innsbruck. 95 pp.
  • Glückert, R. (2002) Die Psocopteren des Exkursionsgebietes von Innsbruck (Insecta: Psocoptera). Entomologica Austriaca, 6.
  • Gol, A., Khandehroo, F., Namaghi, H.S. & Moravvej, G.H. (2015) First report of Lachesilla quercus KOLBE, 1880 (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha: Lachesillidae) from Iran. 36(22), 271–281. Available at http://profdoc.um.ac.ir/articles/a/1045368.pdf
  • Golub, N.V. (2003) The reproductive system of the Psocoptera. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 82(1).
  • Golub, N.V. (2004) The variability of the chromosome numbers in Psocomorpha (Insecta, Psocoptera). CARYOLOGIA, 57(1).
  • Harrison, J.W.H. (1916) Notes on Psocoptera. The Entomologist, 49.
  • Hollier, J.A. (1996) Psocoptera (psocids), booklice and barklice. In The flora and fauna of Exmoor National Park, a natural history check-list. Exmoor Natural History Society. Exmoor Books, Dulverton, Somerset. pp. (pp. 164–165).
  • Hollier, J.A. (2008) The barklice (Psocoptera) associated with an old-field succession in southern Britain. British Journal of Entomology and Natural History, 21.
  • Jones, A.G., Chown, S.L., Webb, T.J. & Gaston, K.J. (2003) The free-living pterygote insects of Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Systematics and Biodiversity, 1(2).
  • Kolbe, H.J. (1882) 138, 451–486.
  • Kondorosy, E. & Kutyancsanin, Z. (2001) Contribution to the Heteroptera, Auchenorhyncha and Psocoptera fauna on linden and maple trees (preliminary communication). Novenyvedelem, 37(12).
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  • Locatelli, D.P. & Limonta, L. (2002) Psocotteri in Val Brembana. Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali e del Museo civico di storia naturale di Milano, 143(1).
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  • McLachlan, R. (1899) Ectopsocus briggsi, a new genus and species of Psocidae found in England. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 35, 277–278.
  • Murrell, A. & Barker, S.C. (2005) Multiple origins of parasitism in lice: phylogenetic analysis of SSU rDNA indicates that the Phthiraptera and Psocoptera are not monophyletic. Parasitology Research, 97(4), 274–280. Available at http://https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anna_Murrell/publication/7738013_Multiple_origins_of_parasitism_in_lice_Phylogenetic_analysis_of_SSU_rDNA_indicates_that_the_Phthiraptera_and_Psocoptera_are_not_monophyletic/links/02e7e5322da9e22d32000000.pdf
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  • Saville, B. (2001) Additional notes on the barklice (Insecta: Psocoptera) of the Lothians (Scotland). Glasgow Naturalist, 23(6).
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  • Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. (2008) The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria, 65, 71–152.
  • Schneider, N., Dorow, W.H.O. & Flechtner, G. (2001) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Staubläuse Hessens (Insecta, Psocoptera). Hessische Faunistische Briefe, 20(1).
  • Smithers, C. (1969) The Psocoptera of New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 8(4), 259–344.
  • Smithers, C.N. (2005) Psocoptera of Barren Grounds Nature Reserve, New South Wales. Australian Entomologist, 32(3).
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  • Verdcourt, B. (2000) Lacewings and other insects. Bedfordshire Naturalist for 1999, 54(1).
  • Whitehead, P.F. (2003) Ectopsocus briggsi McLachlan, 1889 (Psocopt., Ectopsocidae) and the Cottony Camellia Scale. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 139.
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Descendants and synonyms


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